Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  We decided to take Robbie trick or treating.  He had a great time!  It took a few houses for him to really warm up to it, but eventually he would say "trick or treat!" all the way up to the door.  (Of course he clammed up as soon as someone opened the door.)  Robbie wouldn't put the candy in his basket and then when he would go to the next house he would put the candy in his hand in their bowl and pick out more candy.  It will be interesting to see how tomorrow goes.  We have the candy put away, but I know he'll still ask for it.

Heading to the first house.

Trying to get Robbie to say "trick or treat"

Second house

Robbie's treat and he's not letting go!

Alex is having fun, too.

Heading up with Daddy

Trick or treat!

The best picture of Robbie's costume.

Picking the right piece of candy from the bowl.

This video shows Robbie heading for the candy bowl.

He got so excited after getting candy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cutest little pirate I've ever seen.
Send me pics, please.