Friday, October 19, 2012

Robbie is 2 years old!!

Robbie is 2 years old today and I can honestly say that it doesn't seem like 2 year have passed.  It's crazy!  He really doesn't understand that it's his birthday, though he has gotten a lot of phone calls today and we have said "happy birthday" to him a lot.

We started the morning opening his gift from Uncle Patrick and Aunt Mariruth.  You can't tell in the video, but he was really excited about the monkey toy and played with it a lot today.  He loves changing the monkey's clothes, though he needs more practice putting the clothes on the monkey.  He also got a cute book about jungle animals that we read at bedtime.

Here is the monkey wearing one of the outfits and another outfit is next to him.

Today also happened to be the Halloween party with my Mom to Mom Bible study group.  Robbie was so excited to go to Xavier and "Amberger's" house.  When I got him out of his car seat he ran straight to the front door.  I think he was a little surprised that other people were there, too.  The kids didn't stay in their costumes for too long (it's still hot here!) and I don't think any of them smiled for the picture.  I was thinking how neat it will be to watch the kids grow up and look back at the picture and see how small they were!

After nap time Robbie opened up his gift from Aunt Brittany, a touch and feel animal book that she got from the Washington, DC, zoo.  Robbie loves the zoo and all of the animals, so it was the perfect book for him.  When I tried to read it to him he ran to the computer to watch the videos of our trip to the zoo.

Robbie's big gift is a swing set from all of his grandparents.  Matthew has started putting it together, but we'll take the extra help we'll get when grandparents come up next weekend.

Here is what he got:

After dinner we let Robbie have some ice cream.  I think he got an ice cream headache a couple of times, but he wouldn't eat anything else to try to warm his brain.  I hope he doesn't think every day is his birthday! :)

I wanted to take a 2 year picture of Robbie with Shamu, but Robbie doesn't want to sit still for pictures and he likes to throw Shamu around.  I took a bunch so you can see how much fun he was having.

1 week

1 month

1 year

2 years

1 comment:

Aunt Brittany said...

So glad Robbie enjoyed the book! I thought it was perfect for him! ROAR! Can't wait to see all of you for Thanksgiving