Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Another zoo trip

We took the boys to the zoo Saturday.  It's been a while since we have gone, but it has been so hot I don't even think the animals wanted to be there!  Robbie got to be the tour guide, telling us what animals he wanted to go see.  We took these videos and Robbie has enjoyed watching them over and over and over...

Robbie wanted to see the giraffes first (though we did stop to see the lions on our way).

This was the first time we were able to get near the elephant statues because it's usually pretty busy.  I don't think Robbie was too impressed with them, though.

While we were with the fake elephants we started hearing the lions roaring (you can hear them on the video), so we headed back to see them.  One lion is in another area, so you can hear him, but not see him.

Excuse the beginning of the video, I was worried that the lion would stop before I got him on tape, so I started the camera as quickly as I could.  Also the camera doesn't take good videos when you zoom in.  I know that now.

Robbie liked walking with the bear, but I think he was afraid that the bear would get close to him.  He'll figure out how cages work, soon! :)

We were disappointed when we (finally) found the otters and there was a note saying that their "den" was open, so they weren't out.  Then one came out and they fed him some fish.  I didn't get a picture, but the last fish was frozen in ice.  I told Matt that's how I get Robbie to eat his vegetables! :)


I'm assuming there's some food in that stick.

This one crane kept jumping.

Huge snake skin in the bear exhibit.

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