Saturday, October 20, 2012

Robbie's 2nd birthday party

We continued Robbie's birthday celebration with a party at a nearby park with some friends from church.  The weather was beautiful, though a little warm in the sun.  The playground is big enough that even though there were a lot of other kids it didn't seem crowded.  We made it easy on ourselves and just had pizza  and fruit for lunch and cake (duh!) for dessert.  Hopefully the kids were able to run off all of the sugar and any energy they brought and took a good nap for their parents.  Robbie is still sleeping and hopefully will for a while longer.

We thought Robbie and Alex were excited about going to the park, but apparently not.  (This was before we even got there, not after running around for 2 hours.)

Thomas the Tank Engine birthday banner and cake

Playground fun

Cake time!  Robbie loves cake so much he barely got any on me.

(I had to hold him back from diving into the cake while we sang Happy Birthday.)

A video of Robbie looking at his Thomas birthday banner.

Alex eating puffs and talking.

Robbie and Ava checking out a black bird that was eating some pizza he found on the ground.  They kept saying "I get it!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun cake! Never saw one like that. Robbie looks like he got his fair share. Alex's eyes are gorgeous in the video of him eating puffs!! Cute kids.