Monday, October 29, 2012

Swing set and a check up

Matthew has been working hard to get Robbie's swing set put together.  He started early because he read that he could get some things done ahead of time and then move it to the back yard.  Luckily our garage door doesn't work, so it hasn't been a problem having all of the parts in my parking spot.  (That's Matthew's job next weekend!)  Matthew seemed pretty determined to get it done this weekend and he did.  Robbie loves it.  We went outside to swing 3 times today: once in the morning (it was so cold!), once after his nap and once after his doctor's appointment.  Alex seems to like to swing, too, though not as much as Robbie.  It's a great addition to our backyard!

Robbie's 2 year check up was today.  I made him upset when we got there because I said that we were going to see daddy.  Really I was just giving Alex to Matthew while Robbie and I went in for the check up, and Robbie was not happy with a quick "hi" and "bye".  He also cried when we go back to the room and would not sit still to be weighed or measured.  The nurse brought in a stand on scale, but Robbie wouldn't stand on it, so she held him and took his weight that way.  She said he was 33 lbs, but that's assuming she was right about her weight!  (He got on our scale last week and was only 30 lbs.)  We tried to get him to lie down so she could mark his height and he didn't like that, either.  She measured him at 36 1/2 inches.  You would have thought taking his temperature would have been easy, especially since it's under his arm, but he even hated that!  After the nurse left I gave Robbie a bag of yogurt melts which calmed him down.  It took a while for Robbie to warm up to the doctor, but he eventually did.  Robbie only got 1 shot and the nasal spray instead of a flu shot.  I'm sure Robbie is glad he won't have to go back for another year!

2 big boxes containing the swing set

Lots of pieces!

Wood everywhere!

First side piece done

The base for the slide

Matt had to dig up the grass to level it out.

More pieces waiting to be put together.

Ready for swings!

Yay, swings!

Robbie's first swing

Ready to go down the slide.

 Robbie and Alex swinging

Some videos after the swing set was assembled.  (Please excuse the heavy breathing, I've been pretty congested lately.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job, Matthew, for putting the swing set together by yourself! Robbie is so brave to go up the steps to the slide alone.