Saturday, October 13, 2012

A new tooth!

It has actually been 3 days since Alex got his first (second?) tooth.  It's the bottom right middle tooth, not the same one that came and went a few months go.  It came in Wednesday.  I dropped the boys off at church but got a phone call about half way through Bible study saying that Alex was crying and not having it.  I tried to get him to take a nap, but that wasn't what he wanted, so I took him in to study with me.  After feeding him some puffs and giving him water to drink he seemed fine and was talking and smiling at the moms around us so I took him back to the nursery.  I felt bad because as soon as I handed him over he started crying.  He was pretty cranky still when I picked him up.  It wasn't until later in the afternoon that I thought to see if he had a tooth coming in and he did!  Honestly I was getting tired of saying that Alex was teething and not getting any results so I wasn't expecting to feel a tooth.  Unfortunately Alex doesn't seem to be taking to teething as easily as Robbie did.  Maybe now that he has one tooth the rest won't be as bad.  I would love to take a picture of his little tooth, but it would take the jaws of life to pry open his mouth and a clamp to keep his tongue out of the way in order to do it.

Wednesday was also a big day because Robbie's swing set was delivered.  Matthew was able to take a half day so I wasn't by myself with the kids when the delivery came.  Unfortunately it didn't come until well after he would have come home from work after working a full day.  We still need to go through and make sure everything is included (we don't want to be short a couple of nuts and bolts as we're putting it together) and get the yard ready to go.  I'm excited to see what Robbie is going to think of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaws of life?? Clamp??? I'll take your word for it that he has a tooth.