Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Alex is 8 months old!!!!!!!!

I thought Alex was going to be 8 months old tomorrow and then I realized that wasn't right because Robbie's birthday is Friday and the days just didn't add up.  Alex is pulling up on everything, though he isn't always able to get back down.  He's also starting to talk a lot.  At least Robbie will have someone to talk to soon!  When we were at the zoo last week I had given Alex Robbie's cup of water to "hold" while I put Robbie in the stroller.  I heard a funny noise only to see Alex drinking from the straw!  Alex is still doing the same "gimp" crawl, though he is starting to crawl the right way, just not very often and not for long.  He is still as smiley as ever and, if you're lucky, you just might get a big, wet, open mouthed kiss from him!

One week

One month

Two months

Three months

Four months

Five months

Six months

Seven months

Eight months

All smiles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the cuteness continues.