Friday, September 28, 2012

Robbie is reading!!

Yesterday I was putting Alex into his car seat and Robbie was standing next to his door waiting to get into his seat (I can't wait until he can do it himself!!).  He found "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" and started reading it!  At first I wasn't sure what he was saying, and then I heard him say "Blue horse, blue horse what do you see?  Green frog, green frog."  He's still not a great page turner, so he did miss pages and he never actually said what the animals saw, but I think it's a good first start! :)

It's obvious that Robbie is still getting used to his molars because at meals I see him digging food out of his teeth.  It's not a pretty sight, but it's understandable.  I just can't believe that we didn't know he was teething because he hasn't complained about his mouth hurting.  Alex still doesn't have any teeth, but he flicks his tongue in and out of his mouth and it seems like he is feeling something in his top gums while he is doing it.  I'm going to miss my toothless baby when he does get teeth.

We decided to take the boys to the park this afternoon.  Robbie does so good climbing up and going down the slides.  We definitely need to take them to the park more often, but we are also looking forward to getting the swing set for Robbie's birthday.  (Notice I didn't say that we are looking forward to putting the swing set together, because we aren't, but we'll have some grandparents in town to help put it together.)  I was sitting on the ground cross legged with Alex sitting in front of me.  He turned around and pulled up on my legs so he was standing on his feet!  He was still holding on to me, but he has been pulling up on things for a few days, so I knew it was coming.  I was just excited that I saw it and was his equipment of choice.

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