Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Weekend to Remember

Matt and I went to the Weekend to Remember conference this weekend in St. Augustine. I have been wanting to go for a few years and Matt finally agreed to go this year. We signed up back in January and got a 2 for 1 deal, so that made it even better! There were 6 other couples that we knew there. A few stayed at the hotel where the conference was, the rest of us drove home at night.

The purpose of the weekend is to learn how to:

* Receive your mate as a gift
* Clarify your role as a husband or wife
* Resolve conflict in the relationship
* Maintain a vital sexual connection
* Express forgiveness to one another
* Increase your commitment, creating an even deeper level of intimacy

Friday night was 2 sessions, the first session talked about why marriages fail. Then we talked about different communication styles. One thing that I took away from Friday night is that your spouse is not the enemy. Saturday was a long day for a couple of reasons. First, I had to wake up to the sound of an alarm clock. Yes, I do hear Matt's alarm go off in the morning, but I don't have to get up. I had to get up Saturday. Second, we had 5 sessions to sit through. They are all really good, so the time went by quickly, but I have a hard time sitting still for that long! One session was about how to handle conflicts. Of course, the session that we were all looking forward to was Marriage After Dark. I'm not going to get into that one, but I think you can figure it out! :) This morning was fun because we were broken up into men and women so the men and women could learn about their roles in marriage and as a parent. We ended with 2 short sessions about what makes marriages thrive and how to leave a legacy.

It wasn't all about sitting and learning, though. Saturday we had an extended time for lunch, so we went out to lunch with 2 other couples to catch up with them. Saturday ended early so each couple could go on a date. If you know any thing about us, you know that we go out to dinner far to often, but Matt made a reservation at Blackstone Grille. Neither of us had been there before, but I enjoyed what I had, and it was nice to dress up to go out to eat. There were also times set aside for small assignments to do with your spouse, which I liked because it gave us a chance to talk about what we learned.

I would highly recommend going if you had a chance! I know it was easier for us to go because we don't have kids and kids aren't allowed at the conference (and they don't provide child care), but if you can go, go for it.

Here is the website if you want to check it out:

And if anyone forgot, tomorrow is the day we find out the gender of our baby! :)

1 comment:

Loving Mommyhood said...

Can't wait to hear what y'all are having!!!!

Sounds like a great conference. A great marriage makes for even better parenting.