Friday, June 18, 2010

Eikeland's Visit

If you read Lisa's blog, you would know that she and the kids came over for a few days. They got here around lunch time Tuesday afternoon. After lunch we put on sunscreen and headed to the beach for a few hours. We had so much fun we didn't realize how long we had been there. It was great that there was a huge tidal pool for Kayleigh (and others) to play in. I took her to the ocean and she did great and kept wanting go to out farther until she got hit in the face with a wave. She took it pretty well, but wanted to go back to the tidal pool. Lisa and I took turns watching Brian. I'm glad Lisa had an umbrella for us to sit under. I don't think Brian enjoyed the beach as much as Kayleigh did, though. Matt was getting dinner started when we got home. He always makes good wings! Both the kids and adults were pooped at the end of the night. I know Matt and I didn't even hear Brian up at night!

I had previously talked to my friend, Virginia, about hanging out with her at her community pool. She is so sweet and didn't mind me inviting us all over. The pool was very nice and both Brian and Kayleigh made new friends. Kayleigh showed off some of what she learned during her swimming lessons and Brian hung out in the zero entry entrance and splashed around. I wish we had thought to take the camera to the beach and the pool, but we didn't. We left and came back for lunch and naps. I think Lisa and I could have taken a nap as well, but we ended up playing games instead. Matt called to say that he was on his way home about the time we were getting ready to head out and go shopping. When it was time to leave, I told Kayleigh the next time she came to visit we would ride the train in the mall. She kept saying "there was a train in the mall. That's silly because the train tracks are outside!" I had dinner put together, so when we were getting ready to come home Matt put it in the oven for us.

Matt put together the travel system the night before and allowed Kayleigh to test it out with the stuffed panda bear we have. After Kayleigh was done pushing the panda around we were playing in the front yard. She would run to Matt and he would pick her up and swing her around.

Later, Kayleigh decided she wanted to take pictures of me and Lisa. Lisa had to keep telling Kayleigh to make sure she could see us in the camera. When it was getting close to bed time, Lisa said she could take 5 more pictures. Then she got to 3 more and said after each one she took "three more because I'm 3!" Here are just a few of them. Some aren't too good, but we had fun!


Kayleigh and Brian said...

Matt DOES make good wings! That should be an automatic meal whenever you have company! Or, at least whenever we come to visit.

Anonymous said...

Nice pics of parts of you all. I know they had a very nice time. And Jeri Kay said you are both beating the pants off her in that game Bedazzled (or Bejeweled).