Sunday, June 27, 2010

Half Way!

I am officially half way through the pregnancy. November still seems like a long time away, but it definitely seems closer than it did in February! I think we now have all of the furniture we'll need, and we have set up our baby registry at Babies R Us and Target (though we may need to do some editing). I did ask my Facebook friends their suggestions of what we should register for. I think we registered for just about everything that was suggested, and I'm still open if you think of something we should get. I have said it before, but it's nice having a lot of friends with kids to get advice from them.

We haven't started setting up the baby's room because we have a lot of rearranging to do first, but we'll get there. Matt is working on cleaning out the closet in the office so we can move stuff from the baby's closet in there. The baby's closet is pretty much empty now. I will also have to clean out the dresser drawers.

We really are no closer to naming the baby. I'm not too worried about it, though. We do know he has to have a name before we leave the hospital, but I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world if we haven't named him before we head to the hospital.

I have been feeling him moving around for a couple of weeks now. I'm still not always sure if it is him I am feeling, but there are other times when there is no doubt! I can't wait for Matt to be able to feel him moving, though I worry about the baby getting too strong!

I keep telling everyone what I great pregnancy I have been having. Still no cravings, but no sickness or food aversions either. I know Matt is excited about going out to get sushi when the baby comes. I still want my Diet Coke after the delivery, but I don't crave it like I used to.


Anonymous said...

Halfway already?? Nov. will be here before you know it. It's good to have everything ready ahead of time. He doesn't have a calendar to look at so will come when he's good and ready! :)

Unknown said...

You have to name the baby before leaving the hospital? ! In England you have 42 (what a random number) days to register the birth of the baby which is when you officially name them as well. I knew someone who took 3 weeks to decide on a name! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend and we can share what we think were key baby items!

nick, robyn and taylor said...

Yay for feeling the baby! I keep wondering if you have yet and then I forget to ask you. Sounds like y'all are really on top of things! How fun and exciting!

Kayleigh and Brian said...

If you don't have cravings, you're supposed to make some up whenever convenient!!! :)