Friday, September 9, 2011

Videos of Robbie

It's kind of hard to explain what Robbie does, but I can say Aunt Lisa used to do it when she was younger. Lisa used to do it when she was mad, but Robbie does it all the time. I think he does it because we think it's funny and, of course, I think he's adorable no matter what he does! :) It's a rapid nose breathing thing and Robbie makes the cutest face when he does it.

Here's a picture of the face:

And a video of him doing it.

Robbie learned how to turn the tv off a couple of days ago. He thinks it's great. Luckily he doesn't turn the cable box off, so we can rewind if we need to.

You can see all of his finger prints on the tv:

And a video of him doing it.

Here is Robbie at lunch. I'm pretty sure he's talking to himself in the mirror, but it's cute when he's talking and gets his arms going.

Here's a video:

I took this one a few days ago. He's playing with the back of his toy and making a very annoying sound.

Here's a video of it:


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he does the Lisa thing.

Kayleigh and Brian said...

Both of my kids did the breathing thing when they were younger. Those videos were so cute...except the last one. :)

Molly said...

I love the videos, and the Lisa impression. that's hilarious! he's very very smart!!! he will be an excellent big brother and teach his little brother all of his tricks!