Sunday, August 28, 2011

Robbie's Baby Dedication

Today was Robbie's baby dedication at church. It was actually the 3rd time they had a baby dedication service since he was born, but the first one was only a few weeks after he was born and I wasn't up and about yet, the second one was on Mother's Day and I knew that was going to be a crowded service and then we finally decided to do it this weekend. It was nice because the church staff finally realized that they needed to have more baby dedication services because they were just too full. There were 18 families this weekend, including us. I was in a Mom to Mom Bible study group with two of the moms also participating.

I told my aunt Barbara that it's really less of dedicating babies and more about the parents making a commitment to raising their children in a Christian home and teaching them about God. I know the pastor said some nice things, but for the life of me I can't remember a thing he said. That's not much different than our wedding day, though, and I can't blame that day on baby brain! :) We were probably on the stage for less than 10 minutes, which was good for the older siblings so they didn't get restless. After we walked off stage we took a group picture, dropped Robbie off at the nursery and then joined my parents and Matt's dad for the rest of the service.

After church we went to Rosy's, our favorite Mexican restaurant. Robbie fell asleep on the way to the restaurant and didn't wake up until we had finished eating, though that's better than waking up as soon as we got our food!! I guess the waiter enjoyed our company because he didn't seem in too much of a hurry to bring us the check. The restaurant wasn't full, so I didn't feel too bad about taking up the tables. After lunch we came back to the house for a little while longer. Mom and Dad left around 2:30 and Jim headed home around 4:30 (after we made sure the Rays beat the Jays!). We enjoyed having them up here and I know Robbie likes playing with his grandparents.


Anonymous said...

And the grandparents like playing with Robbie. :) We always enjoy being with your family but especially on this very special day.

Kayleigh and Brian said...

Sorry we weren't there.

Sager Squad said...

That is so special. Love all the pics!

Kelli said...
