Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bathroom Fun

I found Robbie in the bathroom again. I kind of miss the old Robbie that would stay in one room. I also found him in the office playing with the cat's food, but I didn't take any pictures of that. Robbie has been talking up a storm lately and I got some cute videos at bath time.

Pictures taken this afternoon:

I found my toys!

No, I wasn't playing with the toilet paper!

Robbie talking on the potty. He gets so excited when he sees Simba:

Robbie "reading" on the potty: (The potty does start playing pee pee music, but it was a false alarm.)

Robbie talking in the tub:

Robbie still likes to blow raspberries, though I do discourage it when he's eating!


Loving Mommyhood said...

He just gets cuter everyday! He will be 1 in just a few short months.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that just like a man? Taking his reading material into the bathroom!
Happy 10 months already. Time flies.

Sager Squad said...

He is just a cute little guy! So Happy!