Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby #2

If you aren't on Facebook then you wouldn't know that today is the day we decided to spill the beans about Baby #2. Most of our family found out when we saw them over the 4th of July weekend. My parents had to wait until they opened their anniversary card July 6th.

We found out June 19th, Father's Day. We weren't trying for another one, but we weren't preventing it, either, and we were surprised with a positive pregnancy test. I had skipped my cycle the month before and was disappointed with a negative pregnancy test then. It was during the weight loss competition and I called the OB office to talk about it and the nurse said between all of the working out, losing weight and nursing Robbie I had probably (and did) just skip a month. Maybe that should have been a sign to be more careful, but for some reason we still didn't think it would happen so soon. (We were really thinking October when Robbie was 1 year old.)

We had an ultrasound July 6th, so we know there is only 1 baby (unless the other baby is a REALLY good hider!). The baby's due date is February 20, 2012. I'm trying not to think that this one should be 4 weeks early since Robbie was, but it's hard not to hope for another short pregnancy.

We will find out September 13th what we are having. I have been thinking that #2 is a girls because I've had different symptoms this time around (more tired, nausea), but the last appointment threw me. At the last appointment the baby's heartbeat was 170 bpm at 11 weeks and Robbie's heartbeat was 170 bpm at 10 weeks, 4 days. They say you really can't determine gender based on heartbeat, though. We will find out the gender when the baby is 17 weeks, and we found out Robbie was a boy when he was 17 weeks, 1 day. Let me know what you think we're having!

Here is the video of the first time hearing baby's heartbeat. You can see how excited Robbie is to hear it.

Ok, obviously Robbie is more interested in his bottle than hearing the baby's heartbeat.


Anonymous said...

Even though you were eliminated from the show, YOU lost the biggest percentage of weight. That should count for something. We're thrilled that Robbie will have a sister in February!!

Kelli said...

Congrats guys!!! Welcome to the world of multiple children. :) Love you guys.

Kelli said...

Oh yeah, now you have to name (if it's a girl) your child Kelli so you can have a Robbie and a Kelli...tee-hee!

nick, robyn and taylor said...

Yay for going public! I've been meaning to call and check on you! I cannot wait to hear what you're having!!!