Friday, August 19, 2011

Robbie is 10 months old!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe another month has come and gone. I really can't believe that Robbie will be a year in 2 months!! We just don't talk about that.

Robbie is now crawling all over the place. I really don't see him doing the army crawl any more. And he is quick! He sees something he wants and just goes after it. I kind of miss the Robbie who would stay in one place. At least he's not walking yet! Actually, he will take a few steps if he is holding your hands and it's usually when he's been standing up for a while and he wants to move, but he's not sure of how to sit down. He will walk toward something that he wants...mainly a cat. Simba is really good with Robbie. I think he's just getting used to the abuse. Sometimes Robbie gets close enough to Juliet to touch her, but it's a quick touch, if anything, before she's running away. He pulls himself up on just about anything. He likes to pull himself up on the toy box (there are usually toys on top), the entertainment center, couches and his stand up toy. Robbie is talking like crazy now and I love it! The most fun is hearing him talking to himself after waking up. One of Robbie's favorite things to do is open and close doors. It's still mostly the bathroom door, though he now knows that he can open the entertainment center door.

We have started taking sign language classes. It's once a week for 10 weeks. I did miss last week, but I can make it up later if I want to. I think Robbie has started signing "all done"/"all gone". It looks more like he's waving, but yesterday I saw him do it at lunch, so I decided to see if he was finished. I tried to give him another grape, but he turned his head away. This morning at breakfast he kept waving whenever he had eaten all of the grapes on his tray. (I do try to vary what he eats, but we are going to the farmer's market tomorrow and are low on food for him.)

I noticed today how long Robbie is. Every once in a while it looks like he's had a growth spurt without us noticing and then he looks a few inches longer. I know babies don't grow that fast, but he seemed bigger today.

1 comment:

Kayleigh and Brian said...

His 10 month picture is ADORABLE!!! Oh, and If you have Jenna do 1 year pictures, I think you need to bring Shamu over here with you.