Wednesday, August 31, 2011

15 Week Appointment

Today was my 15 week appointment. The appointments are 4 weeks apart, so it's not that I had to be there this week, but that's the week it fell on. I thought my weeks started on Tuesdays, but they start on Mondays. That means that in 2 weeks when we do the ultrasound, the baby will be 17 weeks and 1 day, the same age Robbie was when we did his ultrasound.

It was a very short appointment. I heard the heartbeat and talked to the doctor, but that was it. Everything is going well so far. It's always a relief this early on to hear the heartbeat since I can't feel the baby moving. They don't start measuring me until 20 weeks, so they might not even do it at my next appointment (I'll be 19 weeks).

Here is the video of the heartbeat. It's not much to look at, but it's the sound that counts! :)

Here are some pictures we took of Robbie yesterday.

I forgot to post this picture of Jim, Matt and Robbie from Sunday.


Loving Mommyhood said...

Look at all that hair! First haircut could be around the corner.

Anonymous said...

That's so neat to hear her heartbeat. I'd say those are cute pics of Robbie but they all are. And a really good one of the 3 guys!

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I see Robbie sticks his tongue out when he's trying to do something. Brian does the same thing and it cracks me up!

Kelli said...

So glad the heartbeats are sounding good. Can't wait to hear what you're having! Are you going to find out?

Matthew and Valerie said...

Kelli, we find out on the 13th what we are having, though I'm sure it's a girl. I did say after Robbie was born that I wanted to be surprised with the next one, but it's amazing how quickly that changed when I was actually pregnant!