Thursday, February 23, 2012

More pictures

We can't believe that Alex is a week old already. Time has really gone by quickly, though it probably helped that half of it was spent in the hospital. We are adjusting to life as a family of 4, though Robbie and Alex aren't the only ones taking naps these days! Matt's mom came up yesterday to give us an extra set of hands and my mom is coming up Saturday. We love having our moms up to help!

Here are a bunch of pictures that didn't get posted last time.

Silly face!

Big brother swinging at the park.

Watching a video of himself

Meeting Alex

Barbara, Alex and Matthew

So sweet!

Alex picking his head and feet up while making a Popeye face.

Ready to go home.

You brought him home??

Alex is in there!

Pointing to Alex's mouth

Robbie kept taking Alex's hat off and sometimes would try to put it back on.

What a sweet face!

Sleepy smile

I call this the "white rapper" pose

Silly face

Alex is 1 week old!


Anonymous said...

A week already? What a sweet little family. What a blessing to have 8 perfect grandchildren!!!!

Karen said...

Alex is beautiful! Congrats on your sweet family!

Loving Mommyhood said...

I cannot get over how cute he is! I can't wait to take his pictures (if you want).