Friday, February 10, 2012

38 Week Appointment

I went this morning for my 38 week (and last!!) appointment. My blood pressure was up a little bit, but I think it was because it was so hot in the office and I was looking at the paperwork for the c-section. I can't believe Alex will be here next week! When the nurse started to listen to Alex's heartbeat I pulled out my camera and turned it on only to see it say "No Memory Card." Whoops! I left it in the computer after uploading some pictures yesterday. (Don't worry, we have a camera with a memory card packed in my hospital bag so that won't happen when we go to the hospital.) I wish I had it because Alex was moving around and kicking like crazy this time. Robbie used to move around when they would look for his heartbeat, but nothing like this. It was pretty funny, especially because I think he's usually sleeping during the appointments.

I saw the nurse practitioner today instead of one of the doctors. When I was scheduling the appointment I was given the choice to see her or the doctor who was on call. With my luck the doctor would be called in for a delivery right before my appointment, so I decided not to risk it. There was also a nursing student shadowing the NP and the student measured me. She kind of worried me when she asked if I should be measuring big. She only measured me at 39 cm, so just a little ahead. I was expecting her to say 40+ cm. Even I told her that I had been measuring a little ahead and the NP said I'm so close to 39 weeks it's not a big deal.

The NP checked and I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. That pretty much means nothing because I know women can be slightly dilated for weeks before giving birth. The NP said that I could still go into labor before Thursday, but I'm not holding my breath. (I stopped doing that weeks ago! :) ) I am so excited to meet Alex and I can't believe he will be here in less than a week. I was telling Matt that as much as I am ready to be done being pregnant, I think I'm going to miss it, too. Of course, once I'm holding Alex I'll probably forget all about wanting to be pregnant with him!

Robbie has been congested for the past couple of days and he had a pretty rough night last night. This morning his nose was running like crazy. I'm just hoping that he will be feeling better before Alex's arrival.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When my cell phone rang this morning at 5:30 I was sure we'd be on our way to Jax. Wrong number... See you Thursday - or before. :)