Friday, February 3, 2012

Alex - 37 weeks

Yesterday I had my 37 week appointment. Everything is still going well. My blood pressure is actually a little lower (just a few points) than it was a little while ago. Alex's heart rate is still in the 140s and he's moving around all of the time. I am happy that he isn't moving around as much at night. It used to be that as soon as I would get settled for the night Alex would start moving which made me think he was going to keep us up at night. Now he's moving more during the day and less at night. Whew!! :)

I had a long talk with the doctor about how Alex is going to be delivered. While he is ok with me trying a VBAC, he doesn't think it will be successful and will end up with a c-section. I can't say that he was the first doctor to say that, either. Usually they tell women they have a 70% chance of a successful VBAC, with my history it might be less than a 50% chance. Matt and I talked about it and I went ahead and schedule a c-section for February 16th. I will definitely try a VBAC if he comes sooner, but if Alex doesn't come before then the 16th will be his birth day! It's nice to have a definite date in mind to look forward to. We can't wait to bring Alex home!

Today my Mom to Mom Bible study group had a baby shower for me and Alex. It was so nice of them! I really wasn't sure if it was a shower or not, because they just said they wanted to have a lunch for Alex. It was a nice afternoon and I came home with some nice gifts for Alex.


Blue punch

Cute cupcakes

Robbie checking out the gift

One of many new books for Alex (and Robbie)


Anonymous said...

You look good!! Some of those little duckies had too much punch already! That's great to have a date for sure. The 16th - or sooner...

Kelli said...

Love the cupcakes! Gotta try that sometime!