Sunday, February 5, 2012

Daddy's Helper

Yesterday Matthew and Robbie drove down to Ikea because we needed more bookcases. I got to stay home and enjoy a day all to myself. I planned on being productive, but that didn't happen. I did get in a great nap, though! Matthew put them together last night and then nailed the backs on this morning. Robbie wanted to help, of course! At least when he was pretending to hammer in nails (with his spoon if you were wondering) we didn't have to worry about him climbing on the back since it's just cardboard.

Happy to help!

Matthew took books down so he could move the bookcases we already had.

Much better!

Robbie the builder

Robbie was given a set of puzzles from my parents for Christmas that came with a rack to store them. I'm not so sure Robbie knows what the rack is for, though.

The other day we stayed in our pajamas for a while. I knew Robbie was going to have an avocado for lunch, so after I changed him I took his clothes off because he's a messy avocado eater. I also cut up a strawberry for him. He didn't want to eat the strawberry that I cut up, but he did eat an uncut strawberry, leaves and all! The next one I gave him he squished like he was making jam. Needless to say he went straight to the bath tub after lunch!


nick, robyn and taylor said...

I think he's proud of his mess-making skills! He is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

What a good Daddy's helper.