Monday, January 16, 2012

Robbie videos!

Now that Robbie is walking we are using it to our full advantage. I can tell him to go to his changing table when he needs a clean diaper, he will go to his chair when it's time to eat, and after bath time he will go to his room to get his pajamas. It was even cuter when he first started walking because he would walk with his hands in the air and it reminded me of the kid in "Where The Wild Things Are."

It's a short video, but it's cute:

Robbie also goes to the door when Matthew gets home. Sometimes he heads to the garage door when he hears the garage door go up and sometimes he goes to the front door instead of the garage door (or vice versa). Usually he says "dada" the whole time. I guess he was just showing off and saying "mama" today. I won't complain! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute little monkey! I'd love to come home to him every day. :)