Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back to work

Monday was my first day back to work. Where has the time gone?? Our first day is always up at the church, and I sat there amazed thinking "this is my fourth time doing this!" Of course, that's probably why I knew I could be 10 minutes late and not worry about it! We also had lunch in the fellowship hall with the church staff which was fun because 2 of the girls in my Bible study work at the church.

Three of the staff kids have been at school all week helping us teachers do what we needed to do. They did all 3 of my bulletin boards, put together orientation packeds, arranged my tables, vacuumed, cleaned off the tables, found new chairs to replace cracked chairs, and that's just stuff for me!!! They were in high demand and one of the teachers did say that I was hogging them. :) I can't help it that they like working for me. We did treat them to lunch at Chili's yesterday to say thank you. I really don't know how I would have gotten it all done because I spent at least half of my days roaming around and talking to people. I'm sure that surprises no one!

Matt talked to his mom last night. She is back from England. Apparently there was a bad storm on the second half of her trip and they were late getting back. Matt's dad and his family will come back this weekend as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have one more day of freedom before going back to work. How nice that you had students to help you get your room in order. And I know they liked how you thanked them - with food!