Sunday, August 24, 2008

Effects of Fay

We were very lucky to not have any damage from Tropical Storm Fay, though there really isn't wasn't much damage in Jacksonville. There was some flooding, but all of the water was gone in the morning.

Here are some pictures we took in our yard and in the street:

A golf ball on our porch half way under water:

Water coming up our driveway. It didn't get much higher:

Looking down our street from our driveway:

Water coming from the overflowing retention pond behind our neighbor's house:

At the end of our street, facing right:

At the end of our street, facing left:


Anonymous said...

Wow - you got more rain than the rest of the family put together! I'm glad it didn't come in the house or bring out snakes. EEEWWW
(Nick and Robyn's cat is an outside one...)

Kayleigh and Brian said...

Where are the pictures of the fish?!