Sunday, May 20, 2012

Robbie is 19 months old!!!!!!!

I can't believe that Robbie is on the down side 1 and heading to 2 years! I am amazed at how he has been picking up words lately. He now can tell you what a dog, a monkey, a cow and a cat say. On Monday when we were walking into the gym I said "Robbie, stay on the sidewalk. Thank you." and he turned around and did the sign for "thank you"! I have been doing that with him for a while now (probably since he started signing "please"), but that was the first time he did it. We were out on the porch earlier this week and a plane flew over us and Robbie (sort of) did the sign for airplane. That's another sign I've been doing for a while that he just randomly started doing! It's been raining a lot here lately and we have gone outside to play in the rain. Robbie found some mud and got his hands nice and dirty. I don't know why he decided to taste the mud, but he did and his face was pretty covered with mud, too. His water table had some water in it (duh, it was raining!) and he rinsed his hands off a little bit in the water. I was surprised at how much dirt was left in the water! Dirty Robbie! (But not as bad as before he "rinsed" off)

Dirt left in the water table

Rinsing off and playing in the sink

We'll have to get a video of Robbie's happy dance. It's so cute, but I say that about most everything he does! :) Alex was playing on his play mat the other day and here is how he ended up.


Anonymous said...

He sure had fun. Kids and water are a great mix - then throw in dirt and see what happens. Great that you're following thru on signing.

Kayleigh and Brian said...

Playing outside in the rain is so much fun! We love it! I was surprised to see Robbie rinsing in the sink instead of the tub.

Sager Squad said...

So sweet and look at those legs on Alex!!!