Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Alex is 3 months old!!!

I can't believe my sweet baby is 3 months old. That means he's a 1/4 of a year old already! The time has gone by so quickly and we love having him as a part of our family. He is talking all of the time and today he almost rolled over from his back to his stomach, he just has to figure out how to get his arm out from under him. I am hoping he is going through a growth spurt because he has been getting up twice at night instead of just once. I know that's still good for a 3 month old, but it's hard to go back to getting up more often when you aren't used to it! I am putting all of the newborn clothes away, even though I think he could still fit into some of the outfits. I'm sure there are more 3 month clothes somewhere, I'll just have to find them. If not he's going to wear out the ones we have! We also upgrade him to size 2 diapers. We probably could have kept him in size 1's for a little while longer, but he was definitely outgrowing them. His cheeks are just as kissable as Robbie's and I kiss them as much as I can.

1 week

1 month

2 months

3 months!!!


Anonymous said...


Sager Squad said...

Love this! I think it's great that you are doing the shamu size comparison again! That's a great idea! You have 2 gorgeous boys! Thanks for sharing.