Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

We had a good Mother's Day weekend. We went to the zoo and had so much fun. Robbie wasn't as nervous around the animals as he was when I went with a couple of other moms from my Bible study. I don't know if it was because Matthew was there or not. I was glad that the zoo wasn't too busy because it was water safety weekend, but we didn't go near the splash park, which is probably where most of the people were. I did get to catch up with a friend from elementary school (though I may have been in middle school when she and her sister came). We really became friends in college because she is younger than I am and we didn't talk to each other because we didn't have anything in common before then.

Lots of noisy birds!

Baby bird

It's hard to see, but there's a mommy duck on the right and a baby duck in the middle. There was another baby duck, but it was not following mommy and was so far away from her it was out of the picture.

Robbie on the carousel horse.

Watching the otters.

Chasing the otters.

Otters playing in the water.

Checking out the animals.

All of those birds sure made a lot of noise!

An elephant cooling himself off. We saw him make the mud to cover himself with.

Matthew got up with the boys Sunday morning so I could sleep in. We went to second service at church, which was when they were having the baby dedication. We didn't know any of the babies this time, though. Alex had another great day in the nursery and apparently was the only baby who was not crying. We went to Sonny's for lunch. It's an easy choice because Robbie loves it and can share our meals with us. It was a nice Mother's Day with my TWO boys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice day you all had. Kudos to Matt for letting you sleep in a little.