Thursday, April 5, 2012

House Painting

Matthew's mom, Barbara, has talked for a long time about coming up and painting our house because it needed a fresh coat of paint. She finally came up last week and spent part of her spring break painting the house. Matthew needed to work from home because of appointments we had scheduled, so he was able to help Barbara paint. (He probably helped more than he should have!) They were able to get the two sides and the front of the house done. Matt will still need to paint the back of the house and do some touch ups. We're not sure when that will get done, though. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

The darker color is the new color.

Hard at work.

Best way to show the contrast between the house color and the trim color.

Barbara bought Robbie a play tunnel. He has fun going back and forth. The cats like it, too! :)

Checking out the tunnel.

Having fun.

Matthew's aunt brought up his grandparents to they could meet Alex and spend some time with us. We went to the zoo Saturday, but we didn't stay very long because it started raining. We headed to Chick-fil-a for lunch thinking Robbie could play in the indoor playground, but he was pretty tired so we came home. He must have slept enough in the car, though, because he didn't sleep when we got home. I took advantage of the extra adults and took a nap! They all left after dinner.

Robbie's new favorite word is "no". He uses it right most of the time, but I still ask him if it's a no-no or a yes-no. Sometimes he'll say "nose" and I think that's his yes. I'm pretty sure I heard a clear "yes" at breakfast this morning.

Here's an example of Robbie's no. It makes it hard to know what he wants!

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