Saturday, November 13, 2010

What did not happen

Without going into too much detail, Matt and I were very confident in Robbie's due date. Let's just say that it might have been off by a couple of days, but I don't even think it would have been a week off, much less a month! Plus I always measured right on time at my doctor appointments. Since we were so sure that Robbie would be born on or around November 14th, I kept putting off doing things because I didn't want them to get done too early and then have nothing to do but wait for his arrival. We all know how wrong I was! Here are 5 things that didn't get done:

1. I know I said this in another post, but I was hoping to meet all of the doctors in the office so that I would have seen them face to face before the big day. My 36 week appointment was scheduled for Friday, October 22nd and I specifically made it with one of the 2 doctors I hadn't met before. Of course, I went into labor Monday and the doctor who delivered Robbie was one of the two I had not yet met.

2. I wore my last pair of contacts the last week of the school year. I didn't want to go to the optometrist because I have heard that your vision can change during pregnancy. At the end of the summer I was starting to want to have contacts again, but then I thought I would wait until the back to school rush was over and then I was asked to go back and teach while they found a new teacher. After I stopped working I found a coupon for contacts and was going to make an appointment and then I went into labor. I still don't have contacts.

3. The teachers that I worked with threw a baby shower for me at the beginning of October. October 25th was parent-teacher conference day at school and I was planning on going to lunch with them. Since I was planning on seeing them then, I was going to use the week before to write thank you notes for all of the gifts and take the thank you notes up to school that day. That plan was ruined when I went into labor. I'm still working on their thank you notes.

4. Matt had already been me asking for weeks when I was going to start washing Robbie's sheets and clothes. I wanted to wait until the beginning of November so that everything was freshly laundered and smelling good. Had I listened to Matt it would have gotten started and Lisa wouldn't have had to do it for us.

5. This one is special, which is why I saved it for last. My niece, Caroline, was 5 days early and Nick and Robyn were packing their bag the morning that Robyn went into labor. I made the comment that I will have my bag packed before I go into labor and head to the hospital. While it is true that I had my bag packed before I went to the hospital, I was packing that morning. To Nick and Robyn's credit, neither of them have rubbed it in that I did not do what I said I was going to do!

1 comment:

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I didn't mind helping you all out! It gave me something to do while waiting for more exciting things to happen at the hospital. I don't remember washing sheets, though...I was just glad I was able to help!
P.S. Now I really don't think Nick and Robyn will bring up packing your bags!