Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Robbie's big day!!

I find it funny that the day after I post that we only have 4 weeks left until Robbie's due date he decides to start his journey into this world. It all started 2:30 Monday morning when my water broke. Of course, I didn't know that's what it was, especially since it was so early. It happened again at 3:30 and I started thinking that it could be the real deal, but tried not to get too excited, so I went back to sleep. When it happened a 3rd time at 5:45, I decided I should call the doctor just to get things checked out. I wanted to wait until the office was open, because I didn't want to have to go to the hospital and get sent home. I went back to bed until Matt got up about an hour later and went ahead and called. (I kept all of this from Matt because I didn't want to worry him.) While Matt was in the shower, I talked to the on call nurse and she said if I suspect that my water broke I need to go to the hospital. I started to get stuff together, just in case, and Matt started wondering what was going on. (I know it's common for pregnant women to get up a lot of times at night, but I was definitely up and down more than usual and Matt knew something was up.) I told Matt what had happened during the night, but told him just to go to work and I'll call him and let him know what the doctor said. He would have none of that and said he would be the one driving me to the hospital, so we left and checked in about 7:30 am.

The nurse checked and it definitely was my water that broke, but I wasn't dilated or effaced, so the doctor decided to get me started on pitocin to get things moving along. I was not thrilled that I was going to have pitocin, because I know it can cause contractions to start coming quickly and very strong. While we were waiting to get a room, I started making phone calls. Here is how I remember them:
Lisa, when she answered the phone: Don't tell me today's the day.
Me: Ok, but it is!

Mom: Nick is just about to leave for work, so let me say good bye to him and then I'll call you back.
Me: You can tell him before he leaves that my water broke and I'm in the hospital.

Jonathan: Are they sure your water broke?
Me: Yes.

(You have to be careful what you say to me, because I have a very good memory!!)

I got hooked up to an IV and they started giving me fluids and pitocin, as well as an antibiotic because I tested positive for Group B Strep, which isn't a big deal for me, but Robbie could catch it during delivery. Lisa was able to have her neighbor, Jenna, to watch the kids for a while before Jim and Shirley took over until Erik got home from work in the evening so she could come over. Things were going well, but they had to put me on oxygen for a while because Robbie's heart rate would drop after a contraction, which means he wasn't tolerating them well. After a while things got better, so I was allowed off of the oxygen, which I was glad about because the mask was really starting to bother me.

My parents were able to change their flight, so rather than going home from their visit with Nick and Robyn they came here. Apparently the airline called to verify their story and didn't charge them any fees to change their flight. Matt's dad and Jean also drove up to be with us.

The contractions didn't start bothering me until 4:30, after they hooked me up to an internal monitor. I'm sure that was just a coincidence. I held off getting the epidural for as long as I could, but ended up getting it around 9. Life was much better then!!

The doctor and nurses checked my progress a few times during the day. About 12:30 Tuesday morning, the doctor checked again and nothing had changed. I was only 4 cm dilated and everything was going very slowly. He said it wasn't an emergency to get a c-section, but if it was ok it would be better to go ahead and do it rather than wait several more hours, have nothing else happen, and have Robbie be in real distress. I can't say that I was surprised that the labor ended in a c-section, because I knew things weren't moving along like they should, but that doesn't mean I wasn't disappointed. Matt and I have always said that we would do whatever is best for Robbie, and a c-section was best. They were quick to get the OR ready and the anesthesiologist came and upped my medicine so I wouldn't feel anything (well, not too much anyway!). I will say he upped my meds twice during the procedure. Thank you!! It only took about 15 minutes for them to have Robbie out, and Matt got to be with him as he was getting checked out by the nurses. I was stuck on the table waiting to be stitched back up. I finally got to see him around 2, but they had to take him to NICU because he still had fluid in his lungs, which isn't uncommon for c-section babies. Other than that he looked great!

I think it was about 2:30 when I was finally brought back to the room. Lisa was with me because only parents and grandparents are allowed in the NICU. That started October 1st because of the beginning of cold and flu season. Lisa was worried that she wouldn't get to hold him before she headed home, but he was discharged from NICU at 12:30 Wednesday afternoon, so she did get to hold him before she left!

I know this is long already, and I could post a ton more, but I'll leave it for later. For now, here are a few pictures that you may or may not already have been emailed.


Loving Mommyhood said...

I am so glad everything went well and a 7 pounder at 36 weeks! Imagine at full term or after! I am glad I was able to help Lisa out too so she could be with you. Kayleigh kept saying your water broke and that was about it. Congrats to you guys. He is a wonderful blessing and a beautiful baby - cute, cute, cute.

Anonymous said...

We are SO glad we could be there with you for the big day! Robbie is a lucky boy to have you both for his parents. Isn't it interesting who God chooses to give/loan us to raise?
Thank you Jenna for making it possible for Lisa to get to Jax so quickly!!!

Kelli said...

Congrats guys!!! He's a handsome, little guy and he couldn't be more perfect. Glad Mommy and baby are doing well. (Daddy too!) I do have to say that Matt looks like the proudest Dad in the world. :)

You have such a sweet little family!

Lots of love and hugs!