Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last Doctor's Appointment

I had a doctor's appointment Tuesday. At my office, they rotate the doctor's that you see because when you go into labor the doctor that delivers the baby is the one that is on call. The appointment went well. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again. Very exciting! It had been suggested that I take prescription prenatal vitamins by one of the nurses when I first found out I was pregnant, so I looked into the cost of prescription prenatals and I can say it's not in our baby budget. I told this to the doctor and she said there is no reason why I have to take a prescription one and over the counters are just fine. I told her that I have been taking samples that I have collected and really liked Prenate, so she had the nurse grab me a bunch of boxes of samples. She brought me enough for 2 more months!! But the best part of the visit was scheduling the anatomy ultrasound when we will hopefully find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I say hopefully because we all know that babies don't always position themselves in a way to best see what they are. June 7th is the big day. Just over 3 weeks away!

Here's the video of the baby's heartbeat. I feel bad for the nurse because I'm sure it doesn't thrill her to be in the video, but she was a good sport. I know she has to deal with crazy new moms all the time, I just try not to be the worst of the worst!! :)


Anonymous said...

HMMMM 155 - it just might be a boy!!!

Kelli said...

What a sweet sound! Can't wait to hear what this baby is going to be! Norah never 'showed' herself, so don't be sad if it doesn't happen. We liked the surprise in the end. :)

How are you feeling? Have you been sick or pretty well?