Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dental Visit

I don't know why I scheduled my cleaning and filling for 7 AM this morning, but a few weeks ago I thought that was a good idea. I haven't had to be up before Matt in months, so that was a little different! The hygentist said my teeth weren't that bad for not having been to the dentist in 3 years. (I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much!) Unfortunately, when the dentist started drilling to fill a cavity he said it was larger than he originally thought it was. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, the cavity was near an old filling, so that obstructed his view. After he was done with my filling, the hygentist, nurse, helper lady said that I could rinse with the mouthwash down the hall. What she forgot to mention was that half of my mouth was still numb, so be careful for spraying mouthwash! It wasn't too bad, and I did clean up the squirts that escaped.

For you Seinfeld fans:
One of the patients that came is was obviously upset that she wasn't getting her teeth cleaned, it was just a first visit where they check everything out and take x-rays. I thought this was common practice, but that's not how Lisa's place does it, so maybe it's just a Jacksonville thing. Anyway, after the patient left, 2 of the hygentists were standing outside of my room (with no door) complaining about the patient and how she was being rude and giving the girl a hard time. Then I'm sooooo positive I heard one of them say: Let's write that in her chart! I guess next time she makes an appointment they will remember that she's the rude one.

1 comment:

nick, robyn and taylor said...

funny...I wonder if Dr. VanNostrem is going to try to get ahold of that chart