Saturday, November 19, 2011

Robbie is 13 months old!

I can't believe it's been a month since Robbie's first birthday. I knew November and December would go by quickly with the holidays, but I wasn't expecting October to go so fast.

Robbie is still only taking a couple of steps at a time, but now he is going to toys instead of just to Matt or me. I want him to walk because I don't want to have to carry him, but I also like that he is contained and can't run away from me.

Tuesday I posted that Robbie has 10 teeth, but I was wrong. He has 12. Later Tuesday afternoon I felt in Robbie's mouth and felt the 1st top molar (top right). I felt the other top molar Friday, but just a little part of it had come through, so I'm not counting it as through until today. He has been a teething machine! I think we're done for a while.

This morning I had cut up half of a pear for Robbie. I didn't think that he was going to eat the other half, so I didn't cut it up. Even though he still had some pear left on his tray, he wanted more to eat and was pointing at something on the table. He didn't want Cheerios or puffs, so I picked up the other half of the pear and that's what he wanted. I gave it to him thinking that he would play with it and it would end up on the floor. He started chewing on it. I was working on a word search, so I wasn't really paying attention, but I looked up and the pear was gone! He ate it skin, core and all! Makes me wonder why we've been cutting the peel off!

Robbie and the pear:

We had a hard time taking Robbie's picture tonight. He kept rolling away!

Here's Robbie at 1 month

Robbie at 13 months

Here's what most of the pictures we took look like

We have an appointment Tuesday evening to get Robbie's hair cut. It's long overdue, but I'm a little sad that the time has come. You can see in the pear picture how long it is. A couple of my friends recommended a kiddie salon, so we're going to take him there. Trust me, there will be pictures Tuesday night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE those big blue eyes. He's a cutie!