Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Double Digit Days!

I have to thank my father-in-law Jim for pointing out that I am now in the double digit days for this pregnancy. I thought about it last week but I guess I didn't check the counter to see how close I was. I wish I could say that the time has gone quickly, and at times it has, but February still seems so far away!

We had a busy week last week. Matt and I went through a lot of our stuff deciding what was going to go in the yard sale we had Saturday. My parents came up to help out. Mom was in charge of Robbie and dad helped Matt move out furniture and get the tables set up. I posted an add on Craigslist and I really think that helped us get customers. It was a little discouraging at the beginning having several people do a quick glance around and not buy anything, but soon we had buyers. Anything we didn't sell was put in the back of the van and taken to Goodwill. I wanted to sell as much as possible so I was making deals left and right. I probably should have priced everything higher than I did so we could have sold it for what we really wanted rather than pricing it for what we wanted to get and selling it for less. In the end we made about as much as I thought we were going to and a lot more than Matt thought we would.

After we packed everything up we went to Babies R Us to order Alex's crib and dresser. It will be a couple of weeks before they come. I just want to have his room ready by January because we have no way of knowing if he'll come early like Robbie or not. We also bought a new car seat for Robbie since he is outgrowing his.

Yesterday Robbie started taking a few steps on his own. He isn't going very far yet, but I'm ready to not have to carry him. Robbie likes to get behind his walker and go from one end of the room to the other. He also had another tooth break through yesterday. That makes 4 top teeth and 6 bottom teeth! He got his first 6 teeth in just over a month and then waited about 3 months to start getting more teeth. Number 7 came in October 31st and #10 came in yesterday, so that's 4 more teeth in about 2 weeks. It certainly explains his fussiness!

I did the glucose test yesterday. I think the drink has gotten worse over the course of a year because I don't remember minding it as much when I had to do it for Robbie. I go back to the doctor Monday and hopefully get the results then. I don't want to have to do the 3 hour test again.

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