Monday, November 21, 2011

27 week appointment

Today was my 27 week appointment. I dropped Robbie off at a friend's house so I didn't have him hanging around (and getting in trouble). I got to chat with a friend who is about 5 weeks ahead of me and had an appointment before me. I also saw a former co-worker, but I didn't figure out how I knew her until after my appointment. It's funny how many people I have seen in the waiting room at the doctor's office.

Anyway, I found out that I passed my glucose test. Yay! I was only a few points high when I was pregnant with Robbie and had to do the 3 hour test. Today I saw the doctor who delivered Robbie. It was the first time I have seen him since my post-natal appointments. My blood pressure is good and the doctor said I was measuring well, but I didn't ask what the measurement was. Usually they just tell me, but that could be the difference between a female doctor and a male doctor. We were able to track the heartbeat, but it was hard to get it clearly on the video. The noise you hear is mostly the blood going through the placenta, but you might be able to catch the heartbeat as well. Alex was averaging in the high 140's, just where it should be. I go back again in 3 weeks.

Matt installed Robbie's new car seat over the weekend. He doesn't fight us going into the new seat as much as he used to in the old seat, so that's nice. I need to figure out how to adjust the straps, but other than that we really like it.

Robbie didn't take a nap this morning because I had to drop him off when he would usually be sleeping. Luckily for me that meant that he took a 3 hour nap! He obviously was hungry when he woke up because he ate a whole avocado and was still hungry. I decided to see if he would eat another unpeeled pear, so I cut one into quarters and cut the core out. He chowed down on it and, to my surprise, ate the whole pear! He was a mess by the time he was done.


Anonymous said...

You sure feed him healthy food!

Anonymous said...

And glad everything is good with you. (Meant to write that on the first one.) See you all maƱana.