Thursday, October 6, 2011

Robbie graduated!!

Yesterday was the last day of Robbie's sign language classes. I can't say that he's fluent, or that he even learned all of the signs that they taught us, but I know that it will come with time and consistency. At the end of yesterday's class they played "Pomp and Circumstance" and handed out diplomas. It's a good thing that they laminated the diplomas because some of them would have been destroyed before they even left the building. Robbie was so excited to get his that he kept waving it around. (Yes, Robbie's diploma would have been one of the casualties.) They did take a class picture. Hopefully it will get emailed to us.

Here is his diploma:


Anonymous said...

His first graduation! How exciting. Can he sign "I want to go to Grandma's" yet? I might have to help him a little. :)
(not so anonymous)

Sager Squad said...

that is so cool! He is just a doll. it was so good seeing you last week!