Thursday, October 27, 2011

23 Week Appointment

I had another appointment today. These appointments aren't too exciting, but I do get to hear the baby's heartbeat. I love knowing that he is doing well. I feel him moving around several times a day. The doctor measured me at 24 1/2 cm. Generally you measure a centimeter per week, so I'm measuring a week ahead. Guess we should be another week early in our preparations! :) I don't really think it's a big deal at this point, though. I remembered to bring the camera, so here is the video of the heartbeat. The nurse said the heartbeat is in the 140s and sounds perfect, just what I want to hear!

The baby does have a name. We've actually known the name for a long time, but we like being able to share the news in person and told a lot of our family last weekend when we were visiting. If we didn't get a chance to tell you when we saw you, sorry, but it was pretty busy at the party.

The baby's name is Alexander Michael! They are my brothers' middle names. I've liked the name for a while, but I don't think it had come up when we were naming Robbie. We are looking forward to meeting Alex!


Anonymous said...

I love hearing everything is perfect. It's nice to be able to call him by name now that everyone knows.

Anonymous said...

PS I can't get the video. Can you see if it's the right address?

Kelli said...

Love the name!!! So sorry we missed the party. Hope you guys had a great visit. :)