Sunday, June 19, 2011

Robbie is 8 months old!!!!!!!!

I have been telling people all week that Robbie is going to be 8 months old on Monday. Today, Matt corrected me. Of course I know that Robbie was born on the 19th, I just thought that Monday was the 19th. Today is already a big day being Father's Day and the Eikeland's and Woodson's anniversaries. (Happy anniversary Barbara and Jack and Lisa and Erik!) I couldn't imagine that it was Robbie's 8 month birthday, too.

We went to church this morning and one of the nursery workers told us that he was pretty fussy, which is very unusual for him. Matt felt Robbie's first tooth tonight! We have seen for a while where his 2 bottom teeth are coming, so it was a big surprise that his first tooth was a top tooth. It's the top right, but not the front one, but the one right next to it. I tried to take a picture, but that was very unsuccessful.

Robbie is getting very close to crawling. He can actually get himself forward a little bit, but not often and not far, so he isn't truly crawling yet, but he will be soon!

More pictures: (He's laughing in the first one when he's being "attacked" by Shamu.)

Happy Father's Day, Matthew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robbie is definitely Matthew's son!!!
What a good pic of them.