Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jonathan's birthday

Last Saturday was my brother, Jonathan's, 35th birthday, so Robbie and I drove down to help celebrate. The trip down went well, with Robbie sleeping most of the way. I did pass a pretty bad accident, and my dad called to make sure I was ok. Luckily it was on the other side of the road and it didn't slow us down too much.

Saturday morning, mom, Robbie and I went to visit my Grandma for a while. It's always fun showing Robbie off to her friends. We sat on the front porch for a while and one of the ladies fed a squirrel and birds some bread. After our visit we went to Chick-fil-a to see the birthday boy! It stinks that Jonathan had to work on his birthday, but at least it was during the day and he could get together with his friends that night.

After church Sunday, Jonathan, Chat and the kids picked up Grandma and came over to my parent's house for lunch. Mom made a nice lunch, but Grandma was looking forward to pizza. During nap time, Dad, Chat, Robbie and I went shopping. It ended up being Robbie's nap time, too, he just slept in his car seat. We were gone for a couple of hours and when we got back, Mia was the only one up from her nap. Jonathan and Nathan slept a little while longer. Unfortunately for Grandma, we had pizza for dinner and she was already home.

Monday morning I was feeding Robbie breakfast and my mom was doing her hair. Robbie knew she wasn't far, but couldn't see her. It was cute seeing him try to find her.

After Robbie's nap, we headed over to my friend Polly's house. There were 5 adults and 11 kids (with one more on the way). It was so much fun getting together with my friends and seeing their kids. Some of my friends have blogs and some post pictures of their kids on Facebook, but it's definitely much more fun to see them in real life. Kelli's daughter, Avonlea, enjoyed spending time with Robbie in the pool and pulled him around in a little inflatable boat. I wish I took more pictures when I was with everyone, but we all had our hands full watching little ones.

Monday night we all went to Jonathan and Chat's house for dinner. Chat made Filipino barbecue and lumpia. Yum! She's a great cook. I gave Nathan his birthday present early, but Chat told me that they need outdoor toys and a t-ball set was a perfect gift for him. The ball is on a string, so it can't go into the street or lost in a neighbor's yard. Both Nathan and Mia are good at hitting the ball.

Mom, Robbie and I went over to Grandma's one more time Tuesday morning and then I headed home. Robbie slept in the car until the last hour or so. Luckily he was only fussy the last 30 minutes and I was giving him everything I could to keep him entertained.

Here are some pictures my mom took from the weekend:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post! I love all the pictures!! The one of Matt and Robbie is especially good. You can sure tell they're related. :)