Friday, April 23, 2010

Ten Weeks, Four Days

I went to the doctor Wednesday and got to see baby again. I couldn't believe how much he/she grew in just a week! He/She is really starting to look like a little person. I can't wrap my mind around the fact that he/she is only 3.63 cm long! My mom met the nurse when she came to my visit and we were having a good time watching the baby move and hear the heartbeat. I was able to see the arms and legs again. We also saw the brain, spinal cord and eye sockets. In the picture you can see his/her left hand up by his/her cheek. I can't wait to find out what we are having to I can pick out a name!! Right now we both go back and forth between calling baby a him or a her. I have no guesses, but Lisa is saying that the heartbeat is telling me it's a girl. One of my friends that is due 4 days before I am (I know of 3 girls total also having babies in November) mentioned a gender determination kit that you can buy at Walgreens or something. I think I'll just wait until we do the ultrasound this summer! I took video at the doctor's office again. They are pretty short, but I was the last appointment of the day and I don't think they were wanting to diddle dally around. Obviously the videos don't represent my entire visit, so I got to see a lot more when I was there.

Here is the latest ultrasound:

I'll have to upload the videos later, my computer isn't letting me upload them.

1 comment:

Loving Mommyhood said...

Yay! SHE looks like a baby now. How are you feeling?