Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Catie is 2 months!!

Time must just go by faster the more kids you have (though some days sure have been loooong!).  Catie was 2 months on Monday.  We celebrated by going to my friend's house to grill hamburgers.  Ok, maybe that was for Memorial day.  But we did have brownies for dessert and I'm sure Catie will like those soon.

I feel like Catie looks bigger than just a 2 month old.  I was in the nursery with my friend whose son is 1 week older than Catie and we laid them side-by-side to compare and they look about the same, though I think Catie is a smidge longer.  Obviously that will change once they hit puberty!  Or maybe Catie is going to be tall.

Catie smiles and coos all the time now.  I love it.  She's on a pretty regular schedule.  But my favorite part of her growing up is that she's sleeping longer at night (4-5 hours).  Monday night I fed her around 9, brushed my teeth and went to bed.  That was one of the few times I was ok with her not waking up until 3.  I still took a nap Tuesday.  One good night is not going to make up for the past 2 months! :)

1 week

1 month

 2 months

And a couple more because she was just so smiley!

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