Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Single digit weeks!!

Catie is coming in 9 short weeks!!  I had a check up yesterday and asked the doctor how often women who have scheduled c-sections actually deliver on that date and he said a majority do.  I'm still not putting March 26th in stone.  The check up went well yesterday.  I got a TDapp shot.  Matthew said I got it when I was pregnant with Alex, but I don't remember that.  I know I have gotten my flu shot with each pregnancy, but not a TDapp.  I figure something must be going around because, while I know they have told me each time to get it, I don't remember them offering to do it in the office.  My arm is a little sore this morning, but I know I slept on it yesterday when I took a nap and some last night as well.  I don't think it's as bad as the flu shot, though.

I found out officially yesterday that I passed my glucose test.  I was tested at my last appointment 2 weeks ago and was told that the results take 2-3 days and I would get a call only if I didn't pass.  I was cautiously optimistic after lunch that Friday because the office closes at noon on Fridays.  When I didn't get a call Monday I felt even better and I didn't really give it any more thought after last Tuesday.  Of course, when I was actually with the doctor yesterday I forgot to ask him how my levels were.  I tried to find it in my chart after he left (yes, they actually let you hold your chart!) but I really didn't know what I was looking for and didn't see anything.  I was going to ask a nurse when I checked out, but then I heard the doctor leaving another patient's room and asked him when he came out.  He knew right where to look and told me that anything under 135 is good and I was 104.  Yeah, I feel like I aced it!

I go back in 2 weeks for another check up.  I think I have 3 2-week check ups and then I'll start going every week  in March.

Catie's heart beat

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