Thursday, June 18, 2009


In the words of one of my friends, there's nothing certain in life but death, taxes and weeds! I went out this morning to start weeding the front lawn. My motives are two-fold: 1) to get the lawn ready to one day lay sod and 2) to get rid of weeds to see if there are still moles (the rodent kind) tunneling in our lawn. I figure it will be easier to see them without all of the weeds in the way. It was overcast this morning, so not too hot, and it did sprinkle a little.

Any time I weed I think about my dad, because I remember him going out in the evening and pulling weeds. I wasn't allowed to help because I had a bad habit of leaving the roots in the ground, which isn't good when trying to get rid of weeds. So dad was a little like Tom Sawyer: weeding seemed (almost) fun because I wasn't allowed to do it. It is a little relaxing pulling things out of the ground. I also thought of my mom when I was done because there is no way she would have let me in the house because I had dirt all over me. I rinsed off outside at the spigot, but I still managed to bring some dirt in with me. There's still plenty to do if anyone wants to come help!!


Kelli said...

Ug. I don't like weeding, but if I could physically bend over, I'd come help you. =)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Val, not in this heat. I never liked pulling them anyway. It'll look good when you've finished!! :)