Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Landscaping part 2

Matt said last night that he wanted to start painting. I don't think he took it to mean that I would be taping up the dining room while he was in the shower this morning. I was ready to work! We did the first coat, waited a little while and then came back to do the second coat. After running errands this afternoon I pulled the tape off, except around the windowsill. That needs another coat tomorrow. We are also going to do the touch up painting on the walls tomorrow and start in the kitchen. We are staying busy this week! I also included a picture of the garage. Some of the stuff was taken to Goodwill yesterday, so it really does look good with everything cleaned out and the Christmas boxes back up in the attic.

When we got back from trip #2 to the library I weeded and replanted the flowerbed. I know it looks sparse now, but hopefully these impatiens will grow like the old ones did. Speaking of the old impatiens, we have one more little impatiens plant that survived the winter. I think I am going to put it in its own special pot! I also planted the marigolds around the tree out front. Marigolds remind me of my grandparent's house because they always had marigolds. (I'm pretty sure that's a true statement!) I'm also so excited that the tree is doing so well. It has been blooming like crazy and now has leaves! I was afraid that it didn't survive the winter, but it is alive and well!

1 comment:

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I'm a little saddened by your definition of a clean garage!