Sunday, November 2, 2008

We voted

Matt and I did early voting this afternoon. The wait was about an hour and twenty minutes. Not too bad, considering how long the line was. We had a few drops of rain, but we didn't even open the umbrella. I spent time this afternoon researching the candidates and marking up the sample ballot we got in the mail. I did my best to be an informed voter. I felt good on the way to the library because I saw signs for all of the candidates I had marked and took that as a good "sign". I also saw some students and parents from school holding signs for their presidential candidate. Luckily we were at a red light and they saw us too. I know we did our part in the democratic process, now all we have left to do if wait and see if the rest of the state and country agreed with our decisions.


Anonymous said...

Good for you - doing your part in this very important vote. I'm nervous about either Pres. candidate winning.

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I'll let you know how quickly I blaze through the line tomorrow since everyone else has already voted early!