Monday, September 29, 2014

Catie is 6 months!!!!!!

I can't even believe that half a year has passed since Catie was born!  It just doesn't seem like she has been with us for so long.  We decided last month to just give her formula and she took to it like a champ.  I'd like to say that it has helped her sleep at night, but she's still getting up 3 times (on a very rare occasion, only twice).  But she seems much happier now!  She gets her check up Wednesday, so we'll see how much she's grown since her 4 month appointment.  I think she's had a little growth spurt because she looks longer to me.

We have been letting Catie sit in a high chair in restaurants and occasionally the cart at the store.  She's pretty happy about it as long as she has some toys to entertain her.  She is starting to sit by herself, though I stay close by because she can't catch herself when she starts to fall over.  She doesn't get herself into the seated position yet, though.

Catie loves her big brothers and it's fun to see them try to entertain her.  Often it will be Robbie trying to make her smile and then Alex copying what Robbie does, but when Robbie's at school Alex will take on the entertainer role.  It does a mom's heart good when she sees her kids getting along!

Catie isn't crawling yet, but she's starting to lunge for toys that are just out of her reach, so I'm sure more mobility is coming soon!

We have tried giving Catie some cereal and carrots and she hasn't been too thrilled with them.  I'm roasting some butternut squash, so we'll try that tonight.  Hopefully she's not a picky eater already!!

1 week

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

It was so hard to get a good picture of Catie!  I tried to do it by myself Friday (when she turned 6 months), but she either had her fingers in her mouth or would roll over as soon as she started smiling!  Matt and I tried again on Saturday and got a couple of good pictures, but she was in such a good mood Sunday morning we tried again.  I think it looks like she's falling in her picture because her dress is blousing, but it's just from her rolling around!

Some highlights from Friday's and Saturday's attempts!

Riding in the cart at Costco.

"Catie, look at me!"

"Robbie, look at me!!"

"This is how I have to get your attention???"

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