Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Big Boys!

It's getting harder to keep track of time these days.  Not hours and minutes, but days and months.  Alex turned 1 1/4 and Robbie is now on the downside of 2!  I'm pretty sure they get cuter, smarter, and more opinionated every day.  Robbie "just wants to be naked" all the time and would swear up and down that it's ok to be naked in public even though we tell him otherwise.  (We only let him be naked at home, I promise!)  I let Alex drink from my water bottle and now that seems to be all he wants to drink from.  Whenever he sees it he does his own sign for water.  He's gotten much better at drinking from it, too.  Before he would fill his mouth up and if he didn't want it all he would just let the extra water from his mouth spill down his shirt.  Now he stops drinking early enough to not spill on himself! :)

Robbie found his Halloween costume the other day and wanted to put it on.  He looked so cute, but he was hot and sweaty when we took it off!

The banana is part of the costume. :)

We've noticed how tall Robbie is getting lately.  It became even more evident when toes started poking through his footie pajamas (or pajammies, as Robbie says).  We bought some more non-footie ones yesterday.

I know I posted these pictures before, but they are too cute to not post again.  I'm planning on updating these pictures every year and keep the old pictures in the frame as well.

I also (finally!) put pictures in their first year frames.  I feel bad that I waited so long, especially for Robbie, but it's better late than never.  I love seeing how much they changed their first year.

Matthew took the boys to visit his mom last weekend and I got to spend the weekend by myself.  I don't get too nervous by myself, but when I saw both cats staring at the front door I did catch my breath.  Then I saw they were stalking a frog.  I'm glad it was on the outside of the door!

Do you see the frog shadow on the bottom square window?

Juliet left when I started taking pictures, but Simba stuck around to protect the house.

Barbara bought Robbie a hammerhead when they went to the aquarium and he wanted me to take a picture of it.  I was happy to do it, so here it is.

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