Saturday, August 11, 2012


Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a lunger!  Alex isn't crawling, but he gets in the crawling position and lunges forward.  It won't be long before he's a crawler!

This is a long video, but I love his face around the 25 second mark.  You can tell he just wants to get to the whale!  At 1:10, he gets up on his knees and really starts to make forward progress.

Alex going for my water bottle.  He's been really interested in it lately, much to Robbie's chagrin.  I guess Robbie thinks I can only share it with him.  It almost looks like Alex is going to stand up and walk over to it!

Alex going for my water bottle again, but then he rolls over and finds other toys.  An early indication of ADD?  :)

Such a cute face Alex is making!

I was doing some cleaning in Robbie's room and Alex was hanging out with me.  Alex loves to watch the mobile and the squish toy is one of his favorites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lunging sounds like an Olympic game. You might have a money-maker on your hands!