Friday, April 15, 2011

6 month check up and sweet potatoes

Yesterday was Robbie's 6 month check up. He isn't officially 6 months until Tuesday, but we take appointments as we get them. We saw a different pediatrician (same practice, just a different doctor) and we both liked him. One of the families in our Sunday School class sees him and likes him, and I think when Robbie gets older he might like having a male doctor rather than the female we had seen before. Robbie is 19 pounds 4 oz, just under the 90th percentile, and 26 1/2 inches tall (between 50-75th percentile). Robbie had to get 2 shots and an oral vaccine and did great. I brought Tylenol along and gave it to him before the shots which helps a lot!

Matt and I had talked about giving Robbie more solid foods. We already planned to have sweet potatoes with dinner last night, so when I saw that Nick and Robyn gave Caroline sweet potatoes, I thought we could try it with Robbie. It's hard to tell if Robbie liked them or not because he would make a face as he was eating but he sucked them down! He made some really funny faces and we tried to catch them on camera. (I know Robbie isn't wearing a bib this time, but we'll make sure he wears them in the future!)

You can see Robbie making a face, but then he's also eating the sweet potato.

We have a mirror in the car so we can see Robbie. It plays music and when we put Robbie in the car and turn on the music he starts smiling! He usually gets more excited, but he won't show off for the camera.

Back in January one of our neighbors houses caught fire. It was pretty much destroyed. Yesterday they came and started knocking the house down. I took some pictures on our way to Robbie's appointment.


Anonymous said...

His eyes are such a pretty blue! What a cutie pie.

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I am impressed that he did so well with the sweet potato! I'm also kind of sad about the house being torn down, but I guess they had to do something with it.