Saturday, March 19, 2011

5 Months Old

Wow, I can't believe that Robbie is 5 months old today. Time has gone by so fast. I know, I say that every month!! We were at a friend's birthday party and I was looking at all of the kids wondering when they got so big. One of the girls is almost 1 and it seems like I just took them dinner.

Robbie is getting a lot better at standing and sitting up on his own. We're still working on rolling over, but I'm bad about tummy time. We think he might be teething. He chews on his fingers a lot and he's pretty drooly, though not as bad as I have seen some babies. I got him a couple of teething toys. We have tried giving him the teething ring, but he doesn't want to put it in his mouth. The other toy we got is a ball with nubs on it, but we haven't taken that out yet.

Here are some other cute pictures we took:

Last weekend we tried giving Robbie rice cereal. I'm not sure if he doesn't like it or if he just isn't used to it. We tried a couple of times, but I've been too busy this last week to do it again. The first time it was very soupy, so we made it thicker the second time. I think he liked it more when it was thicker.

The videos are pretty short.
Very first try of cereal:


Kayleigh and Brian said...

I can't believe he's 5 months old, either!

Anonymous said...

He must think he's being tortured with that cereal!!! YUK I'm going to have to get pics off your camera next time you're here. Very cute.